- Modell: AR-15,AR-15/M4,M16
- Waffentyp: Colt,AR-15
- Versandgewicht: 0,023kg
- Versandhöhe: 1mm
- Versandbreite: 83mm
- Versandlänge: 146mm
US-Exportklassifizierung: 0A501.x

Artikel-Nr.: 160302042
Herst.-Nr.: SP64543
Die Baugruppe enthält: Vorwärtsunterstützungsplunger, Vorwärtsunterstützungshebel, Hebelrast, Rastfeder, HebelstiftNachbestellt, Lieferzeit ca. 4-12 Wochen aus dem Großlager.
Nachbestellt, Lieferzeit ca. 4-12 Wochen aus dem Großlager.
BUYER NOTICE! 04.05.2012
Great quality expected out of all Colt parts.BUYER NOTICE!!As I would expect an "Assembly" to contain all parts needed of a certain component. This is not a complete Forward Assist package. Be aware that you need the following parts to complete a "Forward Assist" install.Including this part, you need the following links.http://www.brownells.com/.aspx/pid=4788/Product/FORWARD-ASSIST-RETAINER-REAR-SIGHT-PINhttp://www.brownells.com/.aspx/pid=4789/Product/FORWARD-ASSIST-SPRINGThis is to help others in getting all the correct parts needed at one time. Not numerous packages as I did.