The Berger Hunting bullet line is proving to be the most lethal big game hunting bullets available. All of the Berger Hunting bullets are made in the VLD design. The VLD design incorporates a sharp nose that allows the bullet to penetrate 2” to 3” before it starts to expand. After the bullet starts to expand it will shed 40% to 85% of its weight as shrapnel into the surrounding tissue (internal organ). The combination between the shrapnel and the hydrostatic shock produces a massive wound cavity within the vital area (internal organs) that will be 13” to 15” long. This massive wound cavity results in the animal dropping fast since most go into shock after such a tremendous blow. Those animals that don’t go down immediately will soon succumb to blood pressure loss and/or organ failure producing a quick ethical kill. Berger bullets don't poke through like an arrow (high weight retention, deep penetration bullets) but instead dump their energy where it is most effective, inside the animal. Using the Berger VLD will result in an animal that goes down fast so you can enjoy the results of your hunt without having to track the wounded animal after the shot.
Die Berger Jagdgeschosse sind die tödlichsten Geschosse für die Großwildjagd, die es gibt. Alle Berger Jagdgeschosse sind im VLD-Design gefertigt. Das VLD-Design verfügt über eine scharfe Spitze, die es dem Geschoss ermöglicht, 2" bis 3" einzudringen, bevor es beginnt, sich auszudehnen. Nachdem das Geschoss zu expandieren beginnt, verliert es 40% bis 85% seines Gewichts als Schrapnell in das umliegende Gewebe (innere Organe). Die Kombination aus Schrapnell und hydrostatischem Schock erzeugt eine massive Wundhöhle im vitalen Bereich (innere Organe), die 13" bis 15" lang ist. Diese massive Wundhöhle führt dazu, dass das Tier schnell zu Boden fällt, da die meisten nach einem so gewaltigen Schlag in Schock geraten. Die Tiere, die nicht sofort zu Boden gehen, werden bald durch Blutdruckverlust und/oder Organversagen sterben, was einen schnellen, ethischen Abschuss zur Folge hat. Berger Geschosse dringen nicht wie ein Pfeil durch (hohe Gewichtserhaltung, tief eindringende Geschosse), sondern geben ihre Energie dort ab, wo sie am effektivsten ist, nämlich im Inneren des Tieres. Der Einsatz der Berger VLD führt dazu, dass das Tier schnell zu Boden geht, sodass du die Ergebnisse deiner Jagd genießen kannst, ohne das verwundete Tier nach dem Schuss verfolgen zu müssen.
Anzahl der Bewertungen: 18
Von 18
Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 5
Very Accurate(05.10.2016)
In my .243AI, I fired a .91" group at 300 meters. At 100 yds. they will shoot .25 or under. Berger has made another winner.
First Black Bear Hunt(19.06.2014)
My first Custom Rifle is Chambered for the .243 Ackley.......I had a Broughton Barrel 26" 1x8 and Im shooting the Berger 105 VLD Bullet at 3307 fps. On the Rifles first hunt I took a nice Black Bear at 211 yards. The thing about the Berger was that I got super accuracy at .389 The thing that surprised me was that when everyone told me that the .243 was way to light for Black Bear that 105 Berger dropped that bear in his tracks. The bullet did massive damage to the lungs and turned the whole inside of that Bear into a mess. No exit hole all of the Bullets energy was expended in the Chest Cavity. Why would I use anything else.
top notch bullet(13.12.2010)
I use this bullet in my pac-nor barreled Rem 700 with execelent results. My best 5 shot groups measure 1.5" at 500 yards all day long. It is an excellent choice for the 300 Win Mag. I have tried many other long range bullets with good results but nothing compares to the 190 gr berger bullet.
Excellent Hunting Bullet!(05.01.2011)
I have used this bullet from 200 yards to 1092 yards and the performance is excellent on deer. using a 26" Select Match Grade barrel with 80g of H1000 for a cronographed 3100 fps. Berger makes an excellent product with these bullets and the performance is exactly how Berger advertises. Thanks to the help from Sinclair for the Bullet and powder recommendation.
South Africa Approved(03.06.2012)
Very accurate out of my 300 Win Mag. I just got back from South Africa and just "LOVE" these bullets... One shot kills on a Kudu @ 300 yards, Gemsbuck @ 200+ yards, Blue Wildebeast @ 75 yards & Warthog @ 60 yards. It took two shots to Kill a 1,100 pound Eland do to my poor shot placement.
Excellent Accuracy(15.05.2013)
These are the only bullets I use in a custom Bat action, 26inch Bartlein barreled, rifle. They consistently shoot 1/2 MOA or better and I'm getting better than 2900 ft/second using Ramshot (Big Boy) powder. Played around with many other combinations of bullets/powders and the above combination provided the best accuracy while maintaining high velocities.
Great bullet(11.10.2013)
Loaded this for my browning a-bolt 7mm rem mag great groups at 100, 200 and 300 yards used with IMR 4831 58 1/2 gr on new fed brass cci LR primers found my lands backed it off .015 nothing else needed. Haven't used to take game yet but looking forward to trying them on deer soon.
It's taken awhile to get my gear sorted.
I went back to the range at Malabar with the Alpine Precision Rifles to get my eye back in for hunting.
A Tikka T3 7mm-08 modified w/a long action stroke & mag (just get the gun shop to order it) + a NightForce 8-32 Benchrest NP-2DD reticle with Berger Match Hunting VLDs set at .015 thou jump is producing consistent 1/2 MOA accuracy.
If you want to get on the 95% (PR Precision Rifle 95) list, these bullets will work for you.
I would buy this product again and again(31.03.2012)
Tested these bullets at the range during the weekend. Impressive, compared to the loaded ammunition I've bought (Remington, Winchester, Federal, Greek Pyrkal, Cor-bon, etc.) Groups very tightly at 200 and 300 yards even when seated to fit my rifles' magazines and with my not so good eyesight. Will definitely bring home the bacon or the veal. I believe my search for the best .30-06 bullets for my Savage hunting rifles is over. Will experiment further by seating bullets touching or close to the rifling.
Great Hunting Bullet(23.07.2013)
I currently use this on my reloads for hunting white tail and axis. This is by far the most consistent and accurate bullet I have used. Easy to reload and always dependable.
I would only say that the cost is the only thing I could comment on the down side, but in the end if you want to spend a few more cents on your load, this is the one to choose.
Lights-out accurate in my 270wsm....only down side is that they are bad for whitetails health... I've seen it gives them lead poisoning out to 800 yds
115 VLD(27.03.2018)
I load these for a Factory Rem 700 BDL 25--06 pillar bedded with a Jewel Trigger. RX-22 at about 3200 FPS. Best 3 shot group is .330 @ 200 yards. Typical everyday groups are around .750 @ 200 yards. Berger Customer Service is great, I talked to them and asked them to PLEASE never quit making this bullet. Super accurate and very consistent. May cost a little more, but well worth it.
Amazing Accuracy(01.01.2012)
So far the accuracy of these hunting bullets equals that of match grade target bullets. Also the VLD design is sure the maintain velocity and energy down range extending the knockdown power. Also, the Berger Technician that I spoke with was very helpful and explained that the terminal velocity for proper expansion must be above 1800 ft/sec.
Carefully increase the load by .2 grains of powder when within 2 grains of max to find the most accurate load. This is what Berger recommended and it worked great.
Sorry I can't report on the terminal performance, but I'm making this bullet a top choice for pigs and mule deer.
GREAT BULLETS(10.01.2013)
Excellent Customer Service(03.05.2013)
These bullets are great, I shoot them out of my Remington 700 and get groups usually within a 1/2 inch. On top of that, while reloading I came across a .284 caliber bullet within the package, and contacted customer service asking how it got there. They think it may have been left over from a machine and accidentally mixed in when moving parts etc... They apologized and offered to send me a hat or shirt of my choice, I don't really care for either but the gesture was enough. I will continue using these excellent bullets, especially after my great experience with their customer service.
Great 6mmBR deer hunting bullet(27.11.2015)
To date my primary focus has been for deer hunting. Deer react as if they received an electrical shock. Visible trembling but do not seem to be able to take a step. Instant kill. All shots have been just behind the shoulder. Be aware that I have had no exit wounds to leave blood trail but.......all have never been able to take a step. Latest deer was 8 point 175 Lb field dressed.
Extreme Accuracy(18.11.2016)
Have not hunted with them yet. In my .243AI, these will shoot a .24", four shot group at 100 yards. Another great bullet from Berger.
Excellent Accuracy and Stopping Power(27.07.2013)
If you are interested in long range shooting, then generally, the heaviest bullet with the highest ballistics coefficient that the twist rate can support, is often the one that carries the energy the farthest, with the best accuracy. My Tikka can consistently pattern three shots at .5 MOA or better at 100yds with these bullets. 600 yd performance is excellent and I know the energy is there to stop a bear at that range. I know of others who have used different powders with the same cartridge and achieved equivalent performance from this bullet.
Artikel-Nr.: 749004428 BERGER BULLETS 6mm (0.243") 105gr VLD Boat Tail 100/Box Herstellerproduktnummer: 24528679459245289 Die Berger Jagdgeschosse sind die tödlichsten Geschosse für die Großwildjagd, die es gibt. Alle Berger Jagdgeschosse sind im VLD-Design gefertigt. Das VLD-Design verfügt über eine scharfe Spitze, die es dem Geschoss ermöglicht, 2" bis 3" einzudringen, bevor es beginnt, sich auszudehnen. Nachdem das Geschoss zu expandieren beginnt, verliert es 40% bis 85% seines Gewichts als Schrapnell in das umliegende Gewebe (innere Organe). Die Kombination aus Schrapnell und hydrostatischem Schock erzeugt eine massive Wundhöhle im vitalen Bereich (innere Organe), die 13" bis 15" lang ist. Diese massive Wundhöhle führt dazu, dass das Tier schnell zu Boden fällt, da die meisten nach einem so gewaltigen Schlag in Schock geraten. Die Tiere, die nicht sofort zu Boden gehen, werden bald durch Blutdruckverlust und/oder Organversagen sterben, was einen schnellen, ethischen Abschuss zur Folge hat. Berger Geschosse dringen nicht wie ein Pfeil durch (hohe Gewichtserhaltung, tief eindringende Geschosse), sondern geben ihre Energie dort ab, wo sie am effektivsten ist, nämlich im Inneren des Tieres. Der Einsatz der Berger VLD führt dazu, dass das Tier schnell zu Boden geht, sodass du die Ergebnisse deiner Jagd genießen kannst, ohne das verwundete Tier nach dem Schuss verfolgen zu müssen.
89.9EUR11389,90 €
Lieferzeit ca. 1-4 Tage. Mehr als 10 Stk. im lokalen Lager
Made in USA
US-Exportklassifizierung: 0A505.x
Dieses Produkt unterliegt der Aufsicht der Regierung der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika und ist ausschließlich für den Export in das Bestimmungsland zur Verwendung durch den endgültigen Empfänger oder Endverbraucher, der beim Kauf festgelegt wird, bestimmt. Dieses Produkt darf ohne vorherige Erlaubnis der Regierung der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika oder einer autorisierten US-Behörde über den endgültigen Empfänger oder Endverbrauchers hinaus nicht wiederverkauft, übertragen, oder in einer anderen Weise in Drittländer oder an Dritte überlassen werden. Dies gilt auch dann, wenn die Artikel verbaut bzw. in einen anderen Artikel integriert wurde.
This item is controlled by the U.S. government and authorized for export only to the country of ultimate destination for use by the ultimate consignee or end-user(s) herein identified. It may not be resold, transferred, or otherwise disposed of, to any other country or to any person other than the authorized ultimate consignee or end-user(s), either in their original form or after being incorporated into other items, without first obtaining approval from the U.S. government or as otherwise authorized by U.S. law and regulations.
Artikel-Nr.: 749004427 BERGER BULLETS 6mm (0.243") 95gr VLD Boat Tail 100/Box Herstellerproduktnummer: 24527679459245272 Die Berger Jagdgeschosse sind die tödlichsten Geschosse für die Großwildjagd, die es gibt. Alle Berger Jagdgeschosse sind im VLD-Design gefertigt. Das VLD-Design verfügt über eine scharfe Spitze, die es dem Geschoss ermöglicht, 2" bis 3" einzudringen, bevor es beginnt, sich auszudehnen. Nachdem das Geschoss zu expandieren beginnt, verliert es 40% bis 85% seines Gewichts als Schrapnell in das umliegende Gewebe (innere Organe). Die Kombination aus Schrapnell und hydrostatischem Schock erzeugt eine massive Wundhöhle im vitalen Bereich (innere Organe), die 13" bis 15" lang ist. Diese massive Wundhöhle führt dazu, dass das Tier schnell zu Boden fällt, da die meisten nach einem so gewaltigen Schlag in Schock geraten. Die Tiere, die nicht sofort zu Boden gehen, werden bald durch Blutdruckverlust und/oder Organversagen sterben, was einen schnellen, ethischen Abschuss zur Folge hat. Berger Geschosse dringen nicht wie ein Pfeil durch (hohe Gewichtserhaltung, tief eindringende Geschosse), sondern geben ihre Energie dort ab, wo sie am effektivsten ist, nämlich im Inneren des Tieres. Der Einsatz der Berger VLD führt dazu, dass das Tier schnell zu Boden geht, sodass du die Ergebnisse deiner Jagd genießen kannst, ohne das verwundete Tier nach dem Schuss verfolgen zu müssen.
Artikel-Nr.: 749009186 BERGER BULLETS 6mm (0.243") 87gr VLD Boat Tail 100/Box Herstellerproduktnummer: 24524679459245241 Die Berger Jagdgeschosse sind die tödlichsten Geschosse für die Großwildjagd, die es gibt. Alle Berger Jagdgeschosse sind im VLD-Design gefertigt. Das VLD-Design verfügt über eine scharfe Spitze, die es dem Geschoss ermöglicht, 2" bis 3" einzudringen, bevor es beginnt, sich auszudehnen. Nachdem das Geschoss zu expandieren beginnt, verliert es 40% bis 85% seines Gewichts als Schrapnell in das umliegende Gewebe (innere Organe). Die Kombination aus Schrapnell und hydrostatischem Schock erzeugt eine massive Wundhöhle im vitalen Bereich (innere Organe), die 13" bis 15" lang ist. Diese massive Wundhöhle führt dazu, dass das Tier schnell zu Boden fällt, da die meisten nach einem so gewaltigen Schlag in Schock geraten. Die Tiere, die nicht sofort zu Boden gehen, werden bald durch Blutdruckverlust und/oder Organversagen sterben, was einen schnellen, ethischen Abschuss zur Folge hat. Berger Geschosse dringen nicht wie ein Pfeil durch (hohe Gewichtserhaltung, tief eindringende Geschosse), sondern geben ihre Energie dort ab, wo sie am effektivsten ist, nämlich im Inneren des Tieres. Der Einsatz der Berger VLD führt dazu, dass das Tier schnell zu Boden geht, sodass du die Ergebnisse deiner Jagd genießen kannst, ohne das verwundete Tier nach dem Schuss verfolgen zu müssen.
The Berger Hunting bullet line is proving to be the most lethal big game hunting bullets available. All of the Berger Hunting bullets are made in the VLD design. The VLD design incorporates a sharp nose that allows the bullet to penetrate 2” to 3” before it starts to expand. After the bullet starts to expand it will shed 40% to 85% of its weight as shrapnel into the surrounding tissue (internal organ). The combination between the shrapnel and the hydrostatic shock produces a massive wound cavity within the vital area (internal organs) that will be 13” to 15” long. This massive wound cavity results in the animal dropping fast since most go into shock after such a tremendous blow. Those animals that don’t go down immediately will soon succumb to blood pressure loss and/or organ failure producing a quick ethical kill. Berger bullets don't poke through like an arrow (high weight retention, deep penetration bullets) but instead dump their energy where it is most effective, inside the animal. Using the Berger VLD will result in an animal that goes down fast so you can enjoy the results of your hunt without having to track the wounded animal after the shot.
Die Berger Jagdgeschosse sind die tödlichsten Geschosse für die Großwildjagd, die es gibt. Alle Berger Jagdgeschosse sind im VLD-Design gefertigt. Das VLD-Design verfügt über eine scharfe Spitze, die es dem Geschoss ermöglicht, 2" bis 3" einzudringen, bevor es beginnt, sich auszudehnen. Nachdem das Geschoss zu expandieren beginnt, verliert es 40% bis 85% seines Gewichts als Schrapnell in das umliegende Gewebe (innere Organe). Die Kombination aus Schrapnell und hydrostatischem Schock erzeugt eine massive Wundhöhle im vitalen Bereich (innere Organe), die 13" bis 15" lang ist. Diese massive Wundhöhle führt dazu, dass das Tier schnell zu Boden fällt, da die meisten nach einem so gewaltigen Schlag in Schock geraten. Die Tiere, die nicht sofort zu Boden gehen, werden bald durch Blutdruckverlust und/oder Organversagen sterben, was einen schnellen, ethischen Abschuss zur Folge hat. Berger Geschosse dringen nicht wie ein Pfeil durch (hohe Gewichtserhaltung, tief eindringende Geschosse), sondern geben ihre Energie dort ab, wo sie am effektivsten ist, nämlich im Inneren des Tieres. Der Einsatz der Berger VLD führt dazu, dass das Tier schnell zu Boden geht, sodass du die Ergebnisse deiner Jagd genießen kannst, ohne das verwundete Tier nach dem Schuss verfolgen zu müssen.
Anzahl der Bewertungen: 18
Von 18
Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 5
Very Accurate(05.10.2016)
In my .243AI, I fired a .91" group at 300 meters. At 100 yds. they will shoot .25 or under. Berger has made another winner.
First Black Bear Hunt(19.06.2014)
My first Custom Rifle is Chambered for the .243 Ackley.......I had a Broughton Barrel 26" 1x8 and Im shooting the Berger 105 VLD Bullet at 3307 fps. On the Rifles first hunt I took a nice Black Bear at 211 yards. The thing about the Berger was that I got super accuracy at .389 The thing that surprised me was that when everyone told me that the .243 was way to light for Black Bear that 105 Berger dropped that bear in his tracks. The bullet did massive damage to the lungs and turned the whole inside of that Bear into a mess. No exit hole all of the Bullets energy was expended in the Chest Cavity. Why would I use anything else.
top notch bullet(13.12.2010)
I use this bullet in my pac-nor barreled Rem 700 with execelent results. My best 5 shot groups measure 1.5" at 500 yards all day long. It is an excellent choice for the 300 Win Mag. I have tried many other long range bullets with good results but nothing compares to the 190 gr berger bullet.
Excellent Hunting Bullet!(05.01.2011)
I have used this bullet from 200 yards to 1092 yards and the performance is excellent on deer. using a 26" Select Match Grade barrel with 80g of H1000 for a cronographed 3100 fps. Berger makes an excellent product with these bullets and the performance is exactly how Berger advertises. Thanks to the help from Sinclair for the Bullet and powder recommendation.
South Africa Approved(03.06.2012)
Very accurate out of my 300 Win Mag. I just got back from South Africa and just "LOVE" these bullets... One shot kills on a Kudu @ 300 yards, Gemsbuck @ 200+ yards, Blue Wildebeast @ 75 yards & Warthog @ 60 yards. It took two shots to Kill a 1,100 pound Eland do to my poor shot placement.
Excellent Accuracy(15.05.2013)
These are the only bullets I use in a custom Bat action, 26inch Bartlein barreled, rifle. They consistently shoot 1/2 MOA or better and I'm getting better than 2900 ft/second using Ramshot (Big Boy) powder. Played around with many other combinations of bullets/powders and the above combination provided the best accuracy while maintaining high velocities.
Great bullet(11.10.2013)
Loaded this for my browning a-bolt 7mm rem mag great groups at 100, 200 and 300 yards used with IMR 4831 58 1/2 gr on new fed brass cci LR primers found my lands backed it off .015 nothing else needed. Haven't used to take game yet but looking forward to trying them on deer soon.
It's taken awhile to get my gear sorted.
I went back to the range at Malabar with the Alpine Precision Rifles to get my eye back in for hunting.
A Tikka T3 7mm-08 modified w/a long action stroke & mag (just get the gun shop to order it) + a NightForce 8-32 Benchrest NP-2DD reticle with Berger Match Hunting VLDs set at .015 thou jump is producing consistent 1/2 MOA accuracy.
If you want to get on the 95% (PR Precision Rifle 95) list, these bullets will work for you.
I would buy this product again and again(31.03.2012)
Tested these bullets at the range during the weekend. Impressive, compared to the loaded ammunition I've bought (Remington, Winchester, Federal, Greek Pyrkal, Cor-bon, etc.) Groups very tightly at 200 and 300 yards even when seated to fit my rifles' magazines and with my not so good eyesight. Will definitely bring home the bacon or the veal. I believe my search for the best .30-06 bullets for my Savage hunting rifles is over. Will experiment further by seating bullets touching or close to the rifling.
Great Hunting Bullet(23.07.2013)
I currently use this on my reloads for hunting white tail and axis. This is by far the most consistent and accurate bullet I have used. Easy to reload and always dependable.
I would only say that the cost is the only thing I could comment on the down side, but in the end if you want to spend a few more cents on your load, this is the one to choose.
Lights-out accurate in my 270wsm....only down side is that they are bad for whitetails health... I've seen it gives them lead poisoning out to 800 yds
115 VLD(27.03.2018)
I load these for a Factory Rem 700 BDL 25--06 pillar bedded with a Jewel Trigger. RX-22 at about 3200 FPS. Best 3 shot group is .330 @ 200 yards. Typical everyday groups are around .750 @ 200 yards. Berger Customer Service is great, I talked to them and asked them to PLEASE never quit making this bullet. Super accurate and very consistent. May cost a little more, but well worth it.
Amazing Accuracy(01.01.2012)
So far the accuracy of these hunting bullets equals that of match grade target bullets. Also the VLD design is sure the maintain velocity and energy down range extending the knockdown power. Also, the Berger Technician that I spoke with was very helpful and explained that the terminal velocity for proper expansion must be above 1800 ft/sec.
Carefully increase the load by .2 grains of powder when within 2 grains of max to find the most accurate load. This is what Berger recommended and it worked great.
Sorry I can't report on the terminal performance, but I'm making this bullet a top choice for pigs and mule deer.
GREAT BULLETS(10.01.2013)
Excellent Customer Service(03.05.2013)
These bullets are great, I shoot them out of my Remington 700 and get groups usually within a 1/2 inch. On top of that, while reloading I came across a .284 caliber bullet within the package, and contacted customer service asking how it got there. They think it may have been left over from a machine and accidentally mixed in when moving parts etc... They apologized and offered to send me a hat or shirt of my choice, I don't really care for either but the gesture was enough. I will continue using these excellent bullets, especially after my great experience with their customer service.
Great 6mmBR deer hunting bullet(27.11.2015)
To date my primary focus has been for deer hunting. Deer react as if they received an electrical shock. Visible trembling but do not seem to be able to take a step. Instant kill. All shots have been just behind the shoulder. Be aware that I have had no exit wounds to leave blood trail but.......all have never been able to take a step. Latest deer was 8 point 175 Lb field dressed.
Extreme Accuracy(18.11.2016)
Have not hunted with them yet. In my .243AI, these will shoot a .24", four shot group at 100 yards. Another great bullet from Berger.
Excellent Accuracy and Stopping Power(27.07.2013)
If you are interested in long range shooting, then generally, the heaviest bullet with the highest ballistics coefficient that the twist rate can support, is often the one that carries the energy the farthest, with the best accuracy. My Tikka can consistently pattern three shots at .5 MOA or better at 100yds with these bullets. 600 yd performance is excellent and I know the energy is there to stop a bear at that range. I know of others who have used different powders with the same cartridge and achieved equivalent performance from this bullet.